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HD Fish System Includes:
Customized Pelican Case
Anodized Aluminum Panel
7ah Battery / Charger / Meter
Internal External Power 12/110v
10" IPS Sunlight Monitor
6000 SeaDrop Camera / 50ft Cable
Internal 21 LEDs in Camera

Deployed as a drop camera or slow trolling
Specifically designed for high speed trolling 5 - 12 knots with depth to 1000'
Sunlight Readable IPS screen 1920 x 1200 resolution
HD computer interface device - Includes all needed converters and adapters to connect to laptop or desktop via USB
Analog overlay device - LOT/LAN from your GPS is shown on screen as an overlay, this requires user supplied GPS signal ( RS232 Connection)
Connects to Seaviewer Camera and view live video at the surface.
Our Most Popular Camera
Specifically designed for high speed trolling at 5 - 12 knots
IR or Bright White available separate or attached to the camera on the same cable
VIEW real-time video at the surface when connected to Seaviewer Cameras
Available in multiple sizes to handle different lengths of camera cable
Priced from $250 +
Analog Pro System Includes:
Customized Pelican Case
Anodized Aluminum Panel
SD-DVR Recorder w 32gb
7ah Battery / Charger / Meter
Internal External Power 12/110v
13" IPS Sunlight Monitor
950 SeaDrop Camera / 50ft Cable
Internal 21 LEDs in Camera

HD PRO System Includes:
Customized Pelican Case
Anodized Aluminum Panel
Seaviewer HD DVR with SD Card
7ah Battery / Charger / Meter
Internal External Power 12/110v
10" IPS Sunlight Monitor
6000 SeaDrop Camera / 50ft Cable
Internal 21 LEDs in Camera
Analog Fish System Includes:
Customized Pelican Case
Anodized Aluminum Panel
7ah Battery / Charger / Meter
Internal External Power 12/110v
10" IPS Sunlight Monitor
950 SeaDrop Camera / 50ft Cable
Internal 21 LEDs in Camera

Complete Analog System with real-time video at the surface - Includes Surface Console, Camera, and Recorder. Can be configured to your specific needs.
HD Console with real-time video at the surface - Options for GPS and other features
HD Industrial Down Facing Camera

HD PRO System Includes:
Customized Pelican Case
Anodized Aluminum Panel
Seaviewer HD DVR with SD Card
7ah Battery / Charger / Meter
Internal External Power 12/110v
10" IPS Sunlight Monitor
5500 SeaDrop Camera / 50ft Cable
Downward Facing 3" Diameter
Industrial Aluminum 3" Diameter Camera
Internal 21 LEDs in Camera

Seaviewer SeaTrak HD GPS Overlay works with user provided GPS 100% compatible with Seaviewer Cameras and is easily configured by user.
Enter text directly from Keyboard and have the text show on the recording. This overlay device allows users to document specific underwater findings while viewing from the surface.
HD Admiral PRO System Includes:
Customized Pelican Case
Anodized Aluminum Panel
Seaviewer HD DVR with SD Card
GPS Antenna integrated to DVR
Records Lot/Lan on Video
Records Date/Time on Video
7ah Battery / Charger / Meter
Internal External Power 12/110v
13" IPS Sunlight Monitor
6000 SeaDrop Camera / 50ft Cable
Internal 21 LEDs in Camera